These mugs are crafted by local artisan Jen Otey. Jen's studio, creatively named MOONbow ARTworks, was established in 2002 in Girdwood, Alaska, following shamanic training she received while living there. Since that time her studio has moved and traveled where Spirit guides her to go...Cripple Creek, Alaska, The Big Island of Hawaii, and a few points in between. She currently resides in the Appalachian Mountains of Southwest Virginia with her husband and son. In 2017 Jen opened Rose Cottage School of Art, in Wytheville, Virginia, where she teaches painting and pottery classes. Jen is inspired by the natural environment of the places where she lives and travels. What she sees, feels, and experiences during her interactions with the land and the indigenous flora and fauna, is reflected in paint, clay and embroidery floss. The ceramics she makes are functional, hand-built and carved pieces, such as cups, plates, platters, and trays, as well as ornaments and wine stoppers. She creates illustrative works with oils, acrylics and watercolors.